Buhsd Studentvue (2025)

1. Buckeye Union High School District - ParentVUE

  • StudentVUE Account Access. Login. Buckeye Union High School District ... Android App; Mobile App URL https://az-buhsd-psv.edupoint.com. English. English ...

  • Contact your school if you do not have your account details.

2. Student Links - Buckeye Union High School District

  • Anonymous Alerts · Reconnect Your StudentVUE App · StudentVue Login · Major Clarity Login · Office365 Login · Outlook Email Login · Student Google Account · BUHS ...

  • Student Links-Learn Image

3. ParentVUE

4. Synergy Hosted - Buckeye Union High School District

  • Synergy Website · ParentVUE and StudentVUE · Reconnect your Parent/Student VUE app · Help Desk Tickets.

  • Synergy is now Edupoint hosted. You can use the new URLs found below to access Synergy.

5. ParentVUE and StudentVUE Access - Edupoint Educational Systems

6. ParentVUE and StudentVUE Access

  • ParentVUE and StudentVUE Access. Parent Icon I am a parent. Student Icon I am a student · Contact · Privacy. Russian. English · Español · Cantonese · Dutch ...

  • ©Copyright 2024 Edupoint, LLC

7. StudentVUE (Student Portal) - Jefferson Union High School District

  • Access for current grades, unofficial transcript, year-to-date attendance and more!

8. Buckeye Union High School - BUHSD #201 - Facebook

  • BUHSD Students and Families: Please see the below update on the url for StudentVUE and ParentVue. https://az-buhsd-psv.edupoint.com/PXP2_Login.aspx.

  • ראה/ראי פוסטים, תמונות ועוד בפייסבוק.

9. Buckeye Union High School District - ParentVUE

  • Request Account Activation · Activate Account · Forgot Password · iPhone App · Android App; Mobile App URL https://az-buhsd-psv.edupoint.com. English.

  • Buckeye Union High School District

Buhsd Studentvue (2025)


Is there a GPA in StudentVUE? ›

Under the Student Performance section statistical information is displayed regarding testing, GPA, and Class Rank.

How does StudentVUE work? ›

StudentVUE offers single sign-on access to student and classroom information and offers different types of communication from the school or district. Students can only see their information only and cannot see the records of other students. If your parents have a ParentVUE account, they can access your information.

Is a 3.387 GPA good? ›

A 3.3 GPA is a strong GPA, falling within the range of the top 25-30% of students. But it may not guarantee admission to highly selective colleges.

Is a 2.953 GPA good? ›

A 2.9 GPA is a grade point average that falls between a B- and a C+ on the 4.0 grading scale commonly used in the United States. It represents a slightly below-average academic performance, indicating that the student has maintained mostly C+ grades, with some grades falling below or above that range.

How do you predict grades on StudentVue? ›

Grade Calculator: "Automatic" Function: The user has to open the popup, and press the "Grade Calculator" button while a StudentVUE Class page is open in the browser. The user inputs the information about the imagined assignment, the points earned, points possible, and weight of the assignment.

What does p mean in grades in middle school? ›

A grade of “P” (Pass) represents satisfactory achievement which would have been graded C or better on the regular grading scale. A grade of “NP” (No Pass) indicates unsatisfactory achievement which would have been graded with a D or lower on the regular grading scale.

How long does StudentVue take to update? ›

Attendance data is updated on a daily basis.

How do I find my GPA on Synergy? ›

On the GPA tab, the Student Course History screen provides the student's GPA and overall class rank. This tab displays all GPA definitions that have been set up by the school or district.

How do I check my GPA? ›

Calculate GPA
  1. Multiply the point value of the letter grade (see values below) by the number of credit hours (credits, units). ...
  2. Total the quality points for all terms.
  3. Total the credit hours for all terms.
  4. Divide the total quality points for all terms by the total credit hours for all terms.

Is a 2.714 GPA good? ›

Is a 2.7 GPA good? This GPA means that you've earned an average grade of a B- across all of your classes. Since a 2.7 GPA is lower than the national average of 3.0 for high school students, it will limit your options for college. 3.95% of schools have an average GPA below a 2.7.

Is a 3.024 GPA good? ›

To elaborate, the national average for GPA is around a 3.0, so a 3.2 puts you above average nationally. Keep in mind the 3.0 national average represents all students, not just students applying to college, so the average GPA of students admitted to colleges is higher than the national average.

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Name: Carmelo Roob

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.